Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Blog Post #4

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The Technology of Paper


The history of paper dates back to around 2,000 years ago in China. Before it, individuals would often communicate through images on stone tablets, or even carvings on tree bark. 

In 200 BCE China, Ts'ai Lun recorded the paper-making process. There were various steps involved in producing paper. This included harvesting, soaking, and pounding fibers to be evenly spread onto molds. This process took around 3 months, as it was very tedious. watch Ancient Egyptians also created papyrus, which later was turned into the word we recognize, paper.

The first paper machine finally made its way to the United States in 1817. This was all thanks to the Gilpin brothers, of the Gilpin Paper Mill in Delaware. Eventually paper-making through hand was nonexistent. 

Who invented paper? Ancient China and the history of paper – Daily The Azb

As we are in a digital age, it is hard to recognize just how imperative paper actually is. The use of paper took many forms, as it was constantly evolving. Before paper, people relied on word-of-mouth to get information across. However, the invention of paper was truly life-altering, as it provided a world of opportunities. 

The ancient Romans spread news through the "acta diurna," or the daily doings. This consisted of gossip, deaths, births and daily events. However, in 1440 the printing press was established by Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was revolutionary as it was an easier solution to hand-writing everything on scribes. This allowed for reproducing printed materials, which brought on the creation of newspapers. In 1609, Johann Carlos produced the first newspaper in Germany. This was a hit across Europe, and eventually made its way to America. 

List of the oldest newspapers - Wikipedia

Paper is lightweight, easily accessible, and durable. All of these factors contribute to the basis of its appeal. As opposed to clay tablets, paper was the obvious substitution. Not only did paper revolutionize the news, but also trade within the economy. Paper money contributed to the foundation of the financial system set up today. 

Let's not forget education! Although we now have the internet at our fingertips, people relied on books for all of history. Our parents and grandparents could not access Google. Instead, they had to go to the local library and use paper books for their education. 

First book ever printed in US sold at auction for $14M, breaking records

Although paper was an extremely positive invention, everything comes with its downsides. Paper is a huge contributing factor to global warming. This is due to the nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur dioxide being released into our air. In simple terms, the paper production releases more air pollution than the plastic bags. It is also a major contributor of waste at landfills. 

Overall, the invention of paper shaped the world into what it is today. Even though our society is getting more-and-more digital, the use of paper will never die out. 


History of Papermaking Around the World.pdf



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