Sunday, October 29, 2023

Blog Post #1

Sunday, October 29, 2023

My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

Like most people of my age group, I rely on social media for majority of my news. However, there are a couple of traditional news resources that I use on a daily. Below, I explain my top 5 news sources that I use to stay ahead on current events.

1. TikTok

I'm embarrassed to admit that I get most of my news from the platform TikTok. However, there is some unbiased news sources that include weekly reports. One reputable account entitled, "Bikini Bottom News," has over 3.3 million followers. The account posts short and sweet videos, with real-time news. They cover everything from pop culture to real-world news. 

2. Twitter, X

Another platform I use is Twitter, or now "X." I like using Twitter since it's easily accessible news. There are also a lot of sources, which makes it easy to get from all points of view. I never actually post on Twitter, I just use it solely for my news income. 

3. Buzzfeed

Buzzfeed has been shut down due to the company's layoff, however, I have depended on it for years. Buzzfeed was my favorite website for news as the layout was fun and easy to consume. I am upset that they had to shut down, but am thankful I got to use it for so many years. 

4. Apple News

Apple News has been a reliable source for me, as it is easily accessible on my phone. The algorithm it provides always presents me with a story that I will find interesting. Additionally, I can find stories that are relevant to the latest releases. I find myself coming back to Apple News whenever I want to follow up on a current event. 

5. Word of Mouth

I am always trying to stay on top of the daily news. I am not that knowledgeable in the world of politics, so I try to read something new at least once a day. I enjoy talking with my father, as he always is on top of what's going on in the world. I also like to confer with friends and classmates, as it is always nice to see another point of view. 

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