Monday, December 11, 2023

Final Blog


The video highlights the major attraction, FUTURAMA, in the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. It talks of a future where technology will ultimately save humanity. There are endless opportunities awaiting us in this technological world. Such as progress and prosperity in the market, improved communication, and great possibilities. However, no one knew how much of an effect technology would actually have on our world. We are living in the age of FUTURAMA right now. The question is: Was it all anyone could have dreamed of or expected?

There is no doubt that I am grateful for technology. We have the world at our fingertips each and every day. Therefore, I’d like to acknowledge the benefits that technology has on our world.

For example, technology helps new businesses. Entrepreneurs around the world have great opportunities to spread the word about their business or product. This was not as simple before technology. I myself have used technology to make money online through the freelancing platform, Fiverr. This amazing platform has given me the opportunity to do what I am passionate about which is video editing. Plus, I have made money from this side gig which is a win win. An opportunity was presented to me that would have never occurred before technology.

Communication-Importance of Good Communication Skills

Technology also improves communication. We have seen this first-hand during this hectic finals week. I know that all of my group projects this semester have gone smoothly, all thanks to technology. My group members and I communicated electronically, and have completed our assignments with ease. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we would have suffered endlessly without technology making it possible to still attend school, and making sure we were on track to graduating.

The list of benefits related to technology goes on, but have we considered the downsides?

The biggest downside of technology that I have taken from this course would have to be our security. Smart technologies including Amazon’s Alexa or Google will spy on our lives as they actually live inside our homes. The smart voices are also trained to recognize your voice, cadence and other factors to truly understand who you are. However, we cannot escape this. Sneaky companies invade our privacy with innocent children’s toys. The banned toy, "My friend Cayla" connected to a bluetooth device and was able to communicate with children. This is why we have to stay on top of our privacy laws, to not get taken advantage of our basic right to privacy displayed in the Fourth Amendment.

Depression and Suicide Rates are the most painful downside to technology. In our day and age we are consumed with social media. We are exposed to cyberbullying, and dangerous factors that can majorly affect our mental health. This can also lead to decreased human interaction. We can access almost too much online which includes school, jobs, entertainment, food, services, anything. So why would we want to leave the house if we don’t actually need to?

These two videos perfectly depict the danger that technology has on society. I have already seen the Mad World Video, and it has certainly made me take a step back and analyze what direction our world is going into. Viewing the second video made me realize how technology has made our society very selfish. Talking with other generations I have noticed that friendships were loyal and relationships were stronger as it was truly a different time.

As technology is constantly progressing, we must consider the unknown. Not too long ago, we did not know the immense power of Artificial Intelligence. After the Age of AI blog post, I am certainly up to date with just what AI is capable of. Before this course, I chose to ignore AI. The only interaction I’ve had with it was when randomly Snapchat implemented a chat robot that I could not get rid of. I was even more against it when I found out that AI can edit videos which directly harms my work opportunities. However, I know now that we must not ignore these things. In the age of technology, information is power. We are only hurting ourselves if we don’t try to stay on top of the new technology that is slowly taking over. 

I’m sure we all know an old soul who claims they were born in the wrong generation. They would like to time travel to a place where technology wasn’t consuming their lives. However, just like we’d enjoy going back to a simpler time, it is just like our previous generations wanted to step into the future. Therefore, I don’t think anyone will be truly happy. However, I know that I am grateful for the many opportunities that technology gives me. I am confident I can step into a field that is exciting, inspiring and fulfilling all thanks to the opportunities that come with technology. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Blog Post #10

 Living in the Age of AI

AI, or, Artificial Intelligence has taken over in recent years. AI is the capability of a machine to perform functions associated with human intelligence. Living in the age of AI has opened up my eyes to the potential positive and negative factors that it can impose. Through the PBS video, "In the Age of AI," I gained insight into what AI actually is, and how it will affect my future.

AlphaGo: its creator on the computer that learns by thinking | Artificial  intelligence (AI) | The Guardian

The documentary mentions Emperor Yao, who devised the very complex game entitled, "Go." In Seoul, South Korea, Google created a computer program entitled, "AlphaGo." It 2016, it was finalized in order to play the game against one of the greatest players, Lee Sedol. Everyone was convinced that Lee would outsmart the Artificial Intelligence. However, the AI won four games, and after winning one of them, Lee finally resigned. It was discovered that this computer program thought of strategies for the game, that humans had never even thought of before. This official unveiling of AI was a realization of just how smart computer programs can be.

Legal, Finance Jobs Most at Risk From AI, Recent Studies Suggest

The most common concern of AI is whether or not they will completely invade and take over our jobs. This concern is very prevalent in the city of Saginaw, Michigan. Many United Auto Workers are completely outraged, as their jobs are being taken away each and every day. Unemployment in that city is at 6%, with poverty being at an all time high. The reason for this is due to automation, which poses the challenge of how the next generation will respond.

Robotics and the Future of Manufacturing - Corporate Technology - Siemens  USA

Robot Manufacturers don't see this as a negative in the least. They claim that even though they are helping to reduce some jobs, they are ultimately working to create more. According to Forbes, the need for data specialists, specialized researchers, and ethics experts are at an all time high. These jobs also highly compensated, since new AI systems require them. Therefore, in this case if you can't beat them, you might as well join them.

McDonald's may soon have an automated AI program pretending to be your  cashier at self-checkout - inside future stores | The US Sun

The documentary brought up a new perspective that I hadn't thought of. That is the influence of AI on the retail industry. When I thought of AI taking jobs from people, I would have never considered it to invade jobs like cashiers, payrollers, finance, etc. Even Wall Street is struggling with the disruption that is automations. We have already seen it in fast-food restaurants like McDonald's through the kiosk option. This is an alternative to using human beings, as it provides a faster, easier, and more pleasant experience for customers every time. 

Why Kids Struggle in School & What You Can Do | Prodigy

We must also take the children who's parents have lost their jobs due to automation into account. This is since they have lower educational attainment throughout their lives. This includes often repeating a grade, becoming a dropout, and other negative effects. Since they are exposed to higher adult stress and tension, signs of depression start to rise.

AI vs Human Reasoning: GPT-3 Matches College Undergraduates - Neuroscience  News

Successful tech companies have stated that, “Ai is the ultimate tool of wealth creation.” Surveillance capitalism was mentioned in the documentary, and suggests that private human experience can influence human prediction in the future. Many smart technologies including the Alexa or Google will spy on our lives as they actually live in the home. If you are feeling sick and ask Alexa, "What are the symptoms for the flu?" technology can use this to advertise certain medicines that you will need later on. The smart voices are also trained to recognize your voice, cadence and other factors to truly understand who you are.

California's new online privacy law is the nation's toughest. But the man  behind it isn't done yet | CNN Business

We should not be completely terrified by the wave of technology that is taking over. There are people like, Alastair Mactaggart, who are looking out for our well-deserved privacy. He needed 600,000 signatures in order to pass a privacy law. As a result, he achieved an 80% approval, and got the law passed. He says there are 3 rules we should know when dealing with technical privacy. 

1. Right to Know

2. Right to Say No

3. Third Party Opt-Out

This law and set of rules protects and keeps us aware when a company tries to sell our information, without us even knowing. 

What is AI? Everything to know about artificial intelligence | ZDNET

Although it is nearly impossible to completely stop the creation of AI, we should at least be educated as it majorly affects our lives. This includes pondering if a robot can take over a possible career option. The documentary stated that the current use of AI isn't aligned with building a better society. However, we have the opportunity to change that. This can be achieved by continuing to stay educated, and one step ahead of the new technology for the future.

Blog Post #9

EOTO Terms & Concepts

There were many theories that I was unaware of regarding society and how individuals shape their opinions. The first interesting theory is entitled the Illusory Truth Effect.

What Is... the Illusory Truth Effect - Mental Health @ Home 

This theory explores how the more individuals hear something, the more likely they will start to believe it. This definition states that the theory, "describes how when we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe it is true." There are many examples of this including the no swimming after eating rule we grew up with. Additionally, stocking up on Vitamin C when it's cold and cough season. There is little to no evidence provided that proves these claims are true. However, since we have heard it over and over again, we eventually end up believing.

This has a major effect on society, as even geniuses can fall for this theory. This is especially prevalent in my generation, as misinformation can be spread with a click of a button. As individuals scroll on TikTok, they are consuming information, whether they want to or not. If we consume misinformation, this provif we are constantly exposed. 

Confirmation Bias: Definition, Signs, Overcoming

The next theory I researched is Confirmation Bias. This theory explains, "people's tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with their existing beliefs." This perfectly explains how individuals want to hear what they want to hear. This contributes to people having major bias, as they are not open to exploring other beliefs or perspectives. If people become this close-minded, then it can have a harmful effect on society.

A few examples of this include how we choose our friends, biased search, or even the way doctors diagnose things. In all of these cases, people are choosing to stay in their comfort zone and be less likely to explore the unknown. We choose our friends based on attributes they may have that are similar to us. We surf the internet directly searching up things in order to find the "best" answer, that follows our beliefs. Doctors can diagnose someone using evidence that backs up their theory, without exploring other options. It is said that confirmation bias has a few benefits, since it helps people to sort through information efficiently. However, if used too much it can contribute to a very narrow-minded world.

Gatekeeping Theory in Communications: Unmasking A Comprehensive Tool for  Mass Communication - SimpliMBA

The gatekeeping theory was interesting to learn about, as the term is part of my everyday vocabulary. To my understanding, gatekeeping is when someone holds off information from you, which can be frustrating. I had no idea, however, that this was a well-known theory in the world of communications. The true definition involves, "selecting, and then filtering, items of media that can be consumed within the time or space that an individual happens to have."

Ultimately, the gatekeeper gets to pick and choose what information gets to be sent out to the public. I feel like this can have a negative effect on society, as people will be entitled to what information they think should go out. However, this may not be the case for everyone. Therefore, it contributes to the recurring separation and narrow-mindedness, that society should try to avoid.

Agenda Setting Theory - Overview and Features - GeeksforGeeks

The Agenda-Setting Theory, "suggests that media institutions shape political debates by determining what issues are most important and featuring them in news broadcasts." After researching, I've noticed that this is very similar to gatekeeping. This is since one party is deciding what information is important enough to broadcast. This includes various media outlets including, newspapers, magazines, social media, radio, etc. This majorly impacts society, as we consume media on these outlets everyday. 

No matter what age an individual is, they are consuming some sort of information. The agenda setting theory ultimately claims that it can truly shape society's way of thinking, by determining what issues get the most attention. The more I learn about these theories, the more I realize that mostly everything in the media is planned out. 

Overton window - Wikipedia

The Overton Window theory is a model displaying how ideas in society constantly change, which end up majorly influencing politics. Politicians are often pigeon-holed into only supporting policies that are accepted by the public. They want to please the public, to appear trustworthy, and keep the support. 

This theory has been prevalent throughout history. This is since women's suffrage, the abolishment of slavery, universal healthcare, and gay marriage are all instances where there has been a significant shift historically. 

Beating the Spiral of Silence - Voter Integrity Project

The last theory is entitled the Spiral of Silence. I explained this theory through my presentation, and was very interested when researching. This theory explains the willingness of a minority opinion to stand up and share it when put against a majority viewpoint. More specifically, it is "people's willingness to express their opinions on controversial public issues is affected by their largely unconscious perception of those opinions as being either popular or unpopular." 

This theory can affect society's everyday life through the most common example, social media. As individuals, we gain validation when we receive likes or shares when posting to social media platforms. However, if we don't receive a positive reaction when sharing our opinions, we can often be convinced not to anymore. I think this perfectly reflects the Spiral of Silence Theory. 

Another example would be from the popular film, Mean Girls. The majority viewpoint would be the most popular group in school known as, "The Plastics." Anyone who is not a part of this clique would be scared to go against the status quo by stating their own opinions or feelings. This is due to fear of a negative response or rejection from the most popular clique.

Overall, all of these theories can have a major society on how individuals form and process their opinions. We must be aware of them, when consuming information online, in order to have an open mind when creating individualistic beliefs.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Blog Post #7

Diffusion of Innovations

In 1962, Everett Rogers developed the Diffusion of Innovations theory. It is used to explain why certain technologies are created and what seems to make them flourish. It consists of 5 stages, with 5 adopter groups that explain society's role in adopting a new technology. 

1. Experimental - Individuals who serve as the "pioneers." They are the innovators. 

2. Uptake - Early adopters, typically the youth.

3. Critical Mess - The early majority, who are not fully educated on the new technology, but are open to it.

4. Maturation - Late adopters who usually consist of the older crowd, are skeptical until tried by majority.

5. Saturation - Laggards who are completely against the new innovations being made.

What is the The Diffusion of Innovation model? | Smart Insights

After learning more about this theory, I have reflected on certain innovations through the years. A major one being the car service, Uber. 

Uber | History & Facts | Britannica

Uber was launched in 2009, and disrupted traditional transportation. It went public 10 years later, and has grown to be the number one ride-sharing service. The appeal of this platform was the ease it provided for individuals. With one tap of a button, you can request a car in as little as 5 minutes. However, it was a very slow rise as this new innovation was not familiar. From its start, late adopters and laggards were probably very skeptical of this entire operation. But now, people of all ages have adopted this innovation and use it in their lives. This was definitely clear to me when my grandfather of 90 years old started using Uber.

How to List Your Boutique Hotel on Airbnb

Another innovation would be the highly popular vacation home and condo rental service, Airbnb. Established in 2007, and officially launched the next year. This service would be linked under the "disruptive innovation," category. This is since the entire appeal of airbnb is to provide a more affordable and easier way of getting a room for the night. It also has the opportunity to get a wider audience of customers, as you can access it on your phone. 

Phone Tap PODCAST: Ancient Apple Support – MOViN 92.5

Although these innovations were life-changing, there are still some who are skeptical. This is why we have to consider the pros and cons of each service. I think the reasons for the early-adopters taking a liking to these services are obvious. They provide seamless solutions to common problems we have on a daily. Situations like, "I'm stranded and can't catch a ride," provides the appeal for Uber. "I have a business trip and need to find a cheap place to live," provides the appeal for Airbnb. 

The late-adopters and laggards may not think the same way. First off, both of these services are on mobile devices. If you are not technology savvy, it may be hard to use the platforms compared to the youth. Additionally, they take into account the safety of it all. Both services include either hitching a ride with a complete stranger, or staying in that stranger's house. Either way, it is a little bit sketchy when explaining it to a person for the first time.

There Are Too Many Airbnbs; It's Causing a Crisis for the Rental Market

A major reason why some individuals won't adopt Airbnb is due to it negatively impacting the housing market. An article by Forbes Magazine, discusses the "Airbnb Effect," on housing and the major increase in rent. According to the Economy Policy Institute, the economic cost of Airbnb outweigh the platform's benefits. Therefore, why would individuals support this new innovation if they know it's the reason why their rent is through the roof? In the article it states, "a 1% increase in Airbnb listings leads to a 0.018% increase in rents and a 0.026% increase in house prices." These percentages are very dangerous to individuals trying to find a new apartment or house. 

Let's also not forget that with Airbnb, you are ultimately taking a gamble. There have been plenty of times where the customers expect something from the residence that they will not receive. This could be due to out-of-date pictures, or a misleading person trying to get more money than what they deserve. 

Diffusion of Innovations Theory: Definition and Examples

Either way, when adopting an innovation we must consider all of these factors. While I may think that Uber is the best thing since sliced bread, a laggard may never give it a chance. This theory is very interesting as it is very prevalent in our technology-based world. Who knows what other innovations are in store for us, in the future. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Blog Post #6

The Progressive Era

The role of dissent concerning war was highly prevalent during the Progressive Era. Many antiwar voices were being silenced, sentenced to jail, and even condemned to death. Just having these opinions in the first place was enough to be punished. 

This makes me think of the present day. War is at an all time high currently between Russia and Ukraine. President Biden has given a large amount of defense materials to Ukraine to help aid against Russia. With war comes extreme debt, then recession. The cost of a war America is not even part of is contributing to our debt of around $33 trillion. 

Biden announces military aid package to Ukraine

After exploring the two websites, I have gotten a clear view of anti-war voices. However, it is crazy how I have never even heard of the anti-war perspectives being clearly expressed online. This is since they rarely, if ever, get to be displayed on the mainstream news. 

The Quiet Voices of Anti War: Revisited | by Taylor Ann Hartley | A Snail's  Sentiments | Medium

The Biden administration has stated that using the money from taxpayers' to aid in these foreign wars, will actually make America rich. I agree with author Doug Bandow in that America should not be donating military arms, if our security is not in danger. This is contributing to the major amount of debt that we have accumulated. Why add more, for a war that America is not even a part of? 

This is not the first time a President has encouraged creating more jobs that included killing civilians. Donald Trump's last administration advised for this to occur. Therefore, this is not new for a President to prioritize waging military operations. 

Trump Administration Declares Fake Emergency to Sell Weapons to Saudi Arabia

After looking for more anti-war voices, I discovered an article dating back to 2021. It concerned Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan. The authors brought up an interesting point that the media comes up with a narrative. Any other perspective that goes against this narrative is completely hidden, or "shut out." These voices, who are going against the mainstream narrative, are in turn not being heard. Especially, if they are criticizing the President who is running these operations. If you want to find these opinions, you certainly have to look for them. This is a shame as it is not more exposed to the public. 

Sadie Jemmett: Don't Silence Me (Short 2019) - IMDb

The comment section under that antiwar article was very interesting. One comment by Kate McMullan regarded the column saying, "They should be required reading for all Americans." This was eye-opening in the fact that individuals should be open to exploring other perspectives. Even if they do not align with their own.  

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Blog Post #4

EOTO Com Tech Timeline

The Technology of Paper


The history of paper dates back to around 2,000 years ago in China. Before it, individuals would often communicate through images on stone tablets, or even carvings on tree bark. 

In 200 BCE China, Ts'ai Lun recorded the paper-making process. There were various steps involved in producing paper. This included harvesting, soaking, and pounding fibers to be evenly spread onto molds. This process took around 3 months, as it was very tedious. watch Ancient Egyptians also created papyrus, which later was turned into the word we recognize, paper.

The first paper machine finally made its way to the United States in 1817. This was all thanks to the Gilpin brothers, of the Gilpin Paper Mill in Delaware. Eventually paper-making through hand was nonexistent. 

Who invented paper? Ancient China and the history of paper – Daily The Azb

As we are in a digital age, it is hard to recognize just how imperative paper actually is. The use of paper took many forms, as it was constantly evolving. Before paper, people relied on word-of-mouth to get information across. However, the invention of paper was truly life-altering, as it provided a world of opportunities. 

The ancient Romans spread news through the "acta diurna," or the daily doings. This consisted of gossip, deaths, births and daily events. However, in 1440 the printing press was established by Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was revolutionary as it was an easier solution to hand-writing everything on scribes. This allowed for reproducing printed materials, which brought on the creation of newspapers. In 1609, Johann Carlos produced the first newspaper in Germany. This was a hit across Europe, and eventually made its way to America. 

List of the oldest newspapers - Wikipedia

Paper is lightweight, easily accessible, and durable. All of these factors contribute to the basis of its appeal. As opposed to clay tablets, paper was the obvious substitution. Not only did paper revolutionize the news, but also trade within the economy. Paper money contributed to the foundation of the financial system set up today. 

Let's not forget education! Although we now have the internet at our fingertips, people relied on books for all of history. Our parents and grandparents could not access Google. Instead, they had to go to the local library and use paper books for their education. 

First book ever printed in US sold at auction for $14M, breaking records

Although paper was an extremely positive invention, everything comes with its downsides. Paper is a huge contributing factor to global warming. This is due to the nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur dioxide being released into our air. In simple terms, the paper production releases more air pollution than the plastic bags. It is also a major contributor of waste at landfills. 

Overall, the invention of paper shaped the world into what it is today. Even though our society is getting more-and-more digital, the use of paper will never die out. 


History of Papermaking Around the World.pdf



Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Blog Post #8

Privacy Online & Off

After viewing the 6 Ted Talks regarding privacy, I am freaked out, but not shocked. Since our whole lives are on the internet, it is not surprising that the government would find ways to use it against us. Electronic tattoos, surveillance equipment, wiretapping, cyber harassment, email, and even children's toys are all ways in which technology can abuse our basic rights.

Electronic Tattoos

In Juan Enriquez' Ted Talk, he explains how like a regular tattoo, electronic tattoos can tell a lot about a person. With facial recognition technology advancing, it is almost too easy to find a name and their record. was sold to Facebook, with over 18 billion faces being revealed. This is alarming as Facebook can easily understand your interests, and link specific advertising. 

Surveillance Equipment

In Catherine Crump's Ted Talk, she explains how surveillance equipment enables police departments to gather sensitive information about individuals. Normal GPS tracking can reveal this without your knowledge. Another tactic is through automatic license plate readers. Police departments are using license plates to see where you have gone, who you're with, etc. This is a brutal reminder that just because you cannot physically see something, that doesn't mean it's not there. 


In Christopher Soghoian's Ted Talk, he explains the advancement of wiretapping. Each phone has been wired for surveillance making it easy for anyone to listen in. He educates on resources we can use that aren't as easy to wiretap. This includes iPhone text message, FaceTime, and WhatsApp. However, these surveillance features come at a cost since good people use the same technology as criminals. No one knows if these features will be used to the benefit of you, or the disadvantage of you. Therefore, we must be at least aware. 

Cyber Harassment 

In Darieth Chisolm's Ted Talk, she explains the real effects of cyber harassment and digital domestic violence. The consequences for displaying explicit content without a person's consent, is as low as a $500 misdemeanor fine. This is while women's careers are being held at risk. The DMCA is responsible for protecting both copyright of owners/consumers. However, there is still a lot of work to be done regarding this huge issue.


Andy Yen explains in his Ted Talk how our data will eventually outlive us, since we don't know what the idea of privacy is anymore. He uses email as a primary example. A possible solution is encrypting your email. However, it's not that simple since the government can ask for encryption keys at any time. Since advertising is a huge money-maker for huge companies, people are hesitant to fix these issues. The bottom line is that advertising is an invasion of privacy that companies are using against us. That is why we must get educated in order to make privacy accessible again. Individuals can support different business models that won't take advantage of their privacy. This simple step will ultimately create a whole new internet that a new generation can use.

Kids' Toys

Finn Myrstad explains how devices as innocent as a kids' toy or vacuum invade privacy. The banned toy, "My friend Cayla," connected to a bluetooth device and was able to communicate with children. However, she could also listen in on the entire household behind closed doors. Finn brought up a good point: "What is the point in having a home with a key if any connected device can come inside?" It is almost too easy for invaders to come inside the safety of a person's home through technology. 

I feel as though these videos were a harsh reminder of how powerful technology really is. These issues affect everyone, whether we'd like to admit it or not. The government should be enforcing better regulations to protect the people. For example, the talking Cayla doll was not banned until almost a year. Who knows who was on the other end of the line talking to thousands of children? We must do our part by not skipping over boxes of terms/conditions for various apps. Additionally, using safer forms of communication such as FaceTime, iMessage, WhatsApp, can possibly protect us from wiretapping. In conclusion, I fully agree with Finn's statement, "Technology can only benefit society if it respects basic rights."


Final Blog

Technology  The video highlights the major attraction, FUTURAMA, in the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. It talks of a future where technology...