Monday, October 30, 2023

Blog Post #3

Eight Values of Free Expression

In class we discussed the 8 Values of Free Expression. After outlining each of them in the reading, I have seen the importance in each value.

I feel as though the first one is most important. The Marketplace of Ideas, or the Discovery of Truth, highlights the exploration of ideas. Meaning, the government cannot decide which ideas are good or not. Rather, the public gets to decide which ideas will rise to the top, or sink to the bottom. This is imperative as Milton said, "the truth will win out." I firmly believe in this, as each idea will get the freedom of exploration from the public. 

One value that feels most personal to me is the eighth one, or Protect Dissent. This value is a reminder that the First Amendment protects minority views. Therefore, if 99% of people think one way, and 1% disagree, that 1% is ultimately protected. I think this is extremely imperative as each individual deserves the chance to be heard. The system is not meant to be of one "mob rule," but rather a collective safe space, in which each and every person is valued. It is a reminder of just how important the 1st Amendment actually is. Without it, the government would take over and free speech would be at stake. 

I have seen the sixth value, Promoting Tolerance, in action the most in today's world. This value highlights how the government does not need to ban certain words or phrases. This is since society already does that for us, and educates on what is acceptable, and what is not. Rather, "a more tolerant society is a better society." In class, we discussed that this value was put into use regarding the NBA coach in Atlanta, Georgia. He got drunk, and used his platform to express racist slurs. As a result, he got "canceled," as he was banned from the NBA. His actions resulted in him losing out on his $100 billion dollar team. 

I feel as though the 7th value, Promote Innovation, is also important in today's world. This value highlights that free speech is valued and protected. Anyone can think a certain way, and create room for their own ideas. Therefore, it's likely to be a more creative society since citizens are allowed to fulfill themselves in various ways. If everyone thought the same, that would be a very boring society. As each individual is diverse, that makes their ideas different as well. Under the 7th value, this principle is taken into consideration. 

All of the values under the 8 Values of Free Expression are very important. They have their own ideas which relates to each person in society. Without it, our society would struggle with expressing themselves freely. Before this class, I was not aware of these core values. I think it is important that they are talked about more. If we can educate people on these values, it will serve as a reminder that we have more power than we think we do. 

Blog Post #2

Supreme Court

After watching the Supreme Court video, I was properly educated on just how important the most powerful judicial body on Earth is. I knew the Supreme Court was made up of 9 justices, and that they had a lot of petitions come in each year. However, I did not know that there have only been over 100 Supreme Court justices in the history of American history. Therefore, the confirmation process is extremely imperative when initiating new members. 

A decision that weakened the court's authority dealt with the Slavery question. Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney had said that "Blacks could never be citizens." However, the Civil War resolved this question as the constitution was amended, and slavery was abolished. The importances of the 14th Amendment was born, as it has been used to protect individuals from state law throughout history. 

Beforehand, I knew that there were around 7,000 new cases every year that the Supreme Court receives. Most of them being petitions for certiorari, or arguments persuading that a lower court ruling is incorrect. Very few are actually accepted, and sent to the justices once a week. The most important takeaway for me is that each petition gets the same individual consideration. This includes petitions by high-priced legal counsels or a free-handed petition from a prisoner in jail. The Supreme Court takes the time to give every individual a chance to be heard. This is imperative as there can be no bias, when deciding which petitions will be accepted. 

I was very interested to learn that before the Supreme Court settles down to business, they first shake hands. This is a sign of respect that even if they disagree with each other, they still regard their opinions. After all, they were chosen for a reason and each of their voices are handling important decisions. They then begin by outlining the problems within each case. A system was set up where everyone spoke once, as opposed to, people talking over each other. 

A question had been brought up regarding the distance between the court and the public. However, it had been said that the Judiciary, has no secrets. Rather, everything is already out there since it's public opinion. The Supreme Court hears each case in public, surrounded by lawyers on opposing sides. Each lawyer will only be allowed 30 minutes to argue their case. The oral argument is made up of the hard questions that the briefs might've raised. The lawyers are there to remind that court that rhetorical cases can make a difference. Additionally, abstract principals must be applied to real life situations. 

After the lawyers have argued each case, the 9 justices are left alone to make a decision. One justice of the majority side has to write an opinion regarding the legal reasons for the decision. This opinion is very time-consuming, as it decides future cases. This draft of the first opinion takes as long as 4 weeks. Revisions and adjustments can go on for various months as well. Releases of these opinions are to be open to the public and press. Reporters then have to briefly explain the explanations and outcomes of each case. 

I have always respected the Supreme Court, since I've always enjoyed learning about them in school. However, learning just how much work goes into reading all of these petitions, gave me another kind of respect. This is because, they are not picking and choosing which petition they want to give a chance. Rather, they give every individual petition, and voice, a chance to be listened to. This is the most important element in my eyes. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Blog Post #1

Sunday, October 29, 2023

My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

Like most people of my age group, I rely on social media for majority of my news. However, there are a couple of traditional news resources that I use on a daily. Below, I explain my top 5 news sources that I use to stay ahead on current events.

1. TikTok

I'm embarrassed to admit that I get most of my news from the platform TikTok. However, there is some unbiased news sources that include weekly reports. One reputable account entitled, "Bikini Bottom News," has over 3.3 million followers. The account posts short and sweet videos, with real-time news. They cover everything from pop culture to real-world news. 

2. Twitter, X

Another platform I use is Twitter, or now "X." I like using Twitter since it's easily accessible news. There are also a lot of sources, which makes it easy to get from all points of view. I never actually post on Twitter, I just use it solely for my news income. 

3. Buzzfeed

Buzzfeed has been shut down due to the company's layoff, however, I have depended on it for years. Buzzfeed was my favorite website for news as the layout was fun and easy to consume. I am upset that they had to shut down, but am thankful I got to use it for so many years. 

4. Apple News

Apple News has been a reliable source for me, as it is easily accessible on my phone. The algorithm it provides always presents me with a story that I will find interesting. Additionally, I can find stories that are relevant to the latest releases. I find myself coming back to Apple News whenever I want to follow up on a current event. 

5. Word of Mouth

I am always trying to stay on top of the daily news. I am not that knowledgeable in the world of politics, so I try to read something new at least once a day. I enjoy talking with my father, as he always is on top of what's going on in the world. I also like to confer with friends and classmates, as it is always nice to see another point of view. 

Final Blog

Technology  The video highlights the major attraction, FUTURAMA, in the 1964 World’s Fair in New York. It talks of a future where technology...